Laversines Memorial

ME699 Memorial, Laversines, Oise, France

Laversines village sign

On the 6th July 2024, close to the 80th anniversary of the loss of ME699, a memorial to the crew will be unveiled in the village of Laversines, Oise, France, where the aircraft came down. The village is between Beauvais and Bresles.

The project is being co-ordinated by the local group of World War two researchers

Groupe National de Recherche 1939-1945.

The proposal is to site the memorial close to the existing War Memorial in the centre of the village as the actual crash site is not suitable for this purpose.

Laversines War Memorial


In order to raise funds for the memorial the Groupe National de Recherche 1939-1945 have created a funding page which can be found here. If you can help with any amount please donate what you can.

The Memorial

Laversines War Memorial Site
Laversines Memorial Site

The proposed memorial will be to the right of the exisiting French village war memorial.

It will be in the format of an information panel in French and English telling the story of the loss of ME699 on the night of the 4th/5th July 1944 and the fate of the eight men on board from the UK, Canada and Australia.

It will also serve as a tribute to the men and women of the French Resistance who hid the two survivors in the Summer of 1944.

The dedication of the Memorial will take place at 11am on the 6th July 2024.

Design of the Memorial to ME699
ME699 Crash Site